Saturday, December 6, 2008

A Poem from Grandma Bergsagel

God Loves Trystan!

When Trystan Alex Dewolf was born
He was already surrounded by Gods' love
Cradled from The worlds' cold, harsh storm
Now here he was with a cry heard to the skies above!
Mom was happy and Dad was as proud as punch
to have thier very own very first baby son!
He was already hungry and looking for lunch!
He was releived this birthing business was finally done
Really and truly he had emerged quite too soon
Some babies are like that:""I'm my own boss!"
But the doctors were there -what a boon!
So the little guy suffered no tragic loss!
Now he has been cuddled by Mom and Dad
Grandma and Grandpa and the nurses full of love
He has more care than a baby ever had
And is being healed and protected by God above!