Thursday, February 24, 2011

Raef's 6 Month Photo Shoot

Friday, February 18, 2011


Raef is a very active little 6 month old. He rolled over the very first time before Christmas and now he is a rolling machine. There is no leaving this little man alone on the floor for even a second!
He is still in love with his big bro. No one can make Raef laugh like Trystan can. There is nothing sweeter than little boy laughter!

1st Haircut!

The day finally came for Trystan's first haircut...little did we know it would be after his 2nd birthday! He was a trooper thru it and dad did a great job. Dad held him up to the mirror when he was done (one of Trystan's favorite's a DeWolf thing) and he said very happily..."cool dad!"

Big Boy Bed!

Trystan got a big boy bed for his birthday and we finally got it put together just after Christmas. He loves that it is "his" and will only let you sleep with him if your name is Bailey & you have a coat of soft, silver hair!