Tuesday, February 3, 2009

After a tough Doctor's Visit.....

Trystan had a checkup today which was great! He is now 6 lbs 9 oz( don't know where he is putting it all?) and is 19 3/4 inches long! We were hoping he would have at least made it to 6 lbs, so I was blown away. I made the nurse weigh him twice as I couldn't believe it! Ha
He also had 4 shots today, 3 normal baby shots and a synagis vaccination to help prevent him from catching RSV, which he will get once a month for 4 more months. His Dr. said there has been a huge outbreak of RSV in the last 2 weeks, and advised us to stay home with him, other than for Dr's visits until April since he is extremely susceptible to it. So back into hiding we go!


Danny and Mandy said...

Cute photos. Bummer on going back into hiding. :( But stay healthy little Trystan!

Erin said...

Good idea to stay home. I see RSV all the time at work this time of year. Its a nasty bug. My mom loves to hear the updates on you guys! - Erin (Hegseth) Nurkka

Anonymous said...

Well done little man! So begins a long life of surprising your momma!