Our 2 1/2 year streak of being sick free in our house is over...due to a quick trip to Seattle. Alex now jokes that we will never leave the country again! It started with a cold for Alex and then made its way all the way down to Raef. Trystan & Raef have bronchitis! I hear all these moms talk about how awful it is when your little kiddos are sick, and I didn't experience it until now. Well, I should say I this is my first experience with it at home, since we all remember the journey Trystan took in the first 2 months of his life. But you know what, I have the BEST little boys! You would never know they were sick by the smiles on their faces and the laughter that we hear. It was cute when Trystan was sick and Raef wasn't yet. Trystan would cough and then Raef would imitate him. Now when Raef coughs, he looks at you with a big grin and laughs. Now, when it comes to medicine time, it is a whole different story. Who likes to take medicine anyway?! We are so blessed to have such healthy kids, which is greatly due to the fact that I am able to stay home with them and because they have great country air out here and lots of dogs for company! I have heard that kids stay much healthier when there is a dog around..well, how about 2 little boys with 18 dogs plus numerous puppies? We'd have to agree! Anyone want to buy a puppy :o)

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