These past 2 weeks have been a roller coaster to say the least, but all is well now and we pray it stays that way! On Saturday, I went into surgery to have my cervix stitched, as it was diminishing as it should when I am about to go into labor. They have been watching me very closely since I became pregnant and were hoping they could control the situation the conservative way..with shots and drugs. But, my body had another plan and is why my Dr.'s decided to perform the surgery. They let me go home on Sunday afternoon on very restricted activity, which is not easy for me since I am so active. I went in for another ultrasound yesterday and my cervix looks as it should so we are giving many thanks to God and my wonderful team of Dr.'s. I will go back in two weeks to see how I am progressing.
Many of our family and friends have stepped up to help us out and we couldn't be more appreciative. It will be a busy couple months ahead of us...but we will do what it takes to keep this little one in as long as possible!
Here are some pics of our little one at 23 weeks. Adorable! Can't wait (but I will be happy to wait) to touch those adorable toes!
Many of our family and friends have stepped up to help us out and we couldn't be more appreciative. It will be a busy couple months ahead of us...but we will do what it takes to keep this little one in as long as possible!
Here are some pics of our little one at 23 weeks. Adorable! Can't wait (but I will be happy to wait) to touch those adorable toes!

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