Sunday, March 21, 2010

I have to apologize to our faithful followers for my lack in blogging lately. It's been busy around here with new puppies, vet appointments, dr. appointments and a very active 16 month old! We are all doing great and have been enjoying the beautiful weather here in Montana. Trystan is such a joy and brings so much laughter into our household. He is definitely taking after his daddy in the entertaining department. He gets all the cuteness from his mommy :o) He has been walking for awhile now, and has really begun to master it. He LOVES to play outside, get dirty as all little country boys and girls should, and help Mommy & Daddy with the dogs and the chickens. We are loving this stage in his life and just thank God that we are able to enjoy it with him.

Baby #2 is doing great as well. Today is the halfway point--can't believe how fast the time is flying! My last appointment showed that this lil one is right where he/she should be at this stage in the game so we are thankful. I have been put on Progesterone shots, which I will get once a week until delivery. I had the first one on Friday night and let's just say I am glad that there are only 19 more to go! ha Nurse Alex is administering the shots and seems to be a pro at it. Must be from all the practice on the puppies! I do have to say that these shots, which are giving in my hip, are no picnic in the park as the needle is BIG and the medication is THICK, but hey, if it helps me to carry to full term, it is 200% worth it! I am a Montana cowgirl now, so I can handle just about anything, right?!


marie dewolf said...

jeg synes bestemorene skulle få videoer før de kommer på blogspot, men, desverre...han er jo aldeles flink, den gutten!