Wow--has it really been over a month since our last post?! We have been really busy around here with puppies, clients, more puppies, more clients, kennel building projects, and oh yeah.....Trystan crawling around like it's nobody's business!! And I thought my life was busy before! Ha He is changing right before our eyes and we love what each new day brings. He definitely has his dad's humor, as he loves to hear himself talk and laughs at himself constantly! He has already learned that he can feed the dogs while he is eating in his highchair--he loves to share. He loves his new puppy, Gizella, and she loves him. He loves to wear daddy's hats. Saying that he loves bath time would be the understatement of the year. He has outgrown his infant tub, so Alex found him an inflatable duck, which he loves. It even quacks.
We have a busy couple months ahead of us as well. A BIG birthday for our little miracle boy, a visit from his Grampa Fred and Grama Shirley, and a trip to MN for a cousin's wedding where Trystan will take his 3rd airplane ride and will have another birthday party! Fun, fun and more fun will be had!
Here are some pics from the past month...........

Loving the bathtub duck! Awesome. Miss ya! Wish we could be there for Trystan's birthday:)
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