So hard to believe Trystan is 9 months old! Seriously, where does the time go? He is doing great and growing like a weed. He is up to 16 lbs now and just over 27 1/2 inches long. His Dr is amazed at his development, since Trystan is doing what most 9 month olds are doing. He really should only be doing what a 6 month old would be doing, so we are grateful! They told us he would catch up by about the time he was 2 or 3, but he seems to be beating those odds too. What can we say....we truly do have a miracle boy!
Trystan has been busy eating fruits and veggies. And do you know what his favorite is? Zucchini, which is a great thing, since my garden is exploding with them! I have been busy making baby food from veggies in our garden, so Trystan too can savor the Rocky Top goodness! Yum Yum
His new favorite toy is his farm, which is only fitting! Here are some fun shots of him playing Farmer T.

can you share some of your baby food recipes?
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