Trystan made his first trip out to the beautiful Northwest! It was a fun trip, but very, very busy. So many new people to meet and lots of work that needed to be done!
We spent the weekend in Portland with Grampa Fred and Grama Shirley, along with aunts, uncle and cousins, Tanner and Nerissa. I really had fun with them, especially Tanner. I also met Shirley's mom, Donna and sister, Dee. More family to love on me!
We then headed up to Seattle to pack up Bestemor to move out to Montana with us. It was a big job, but was done with a lot of help from family and friends. Trystan was able to spend some time with the Sumi's----not sure who enjoyed it more! He also spent some time with Great Grandma Margaret, another prayer warrior in his life!
Here are some pics from out trip......sorry, no pictures of the packing as there was no time!

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