Sunday, January 11, 2009

I'm home!!

First ride home

First time in my beautiful crib

Hi Guys!

Oh my goodness. It is such hard work to be so cute.

My mommy is so happy to have me home!

My daddy is pretty happy to have me home too. We love to take lots of naps.

My first bath at real home!

My doggie bouncy chair--I think I need to grow into it just a little!


Brooke said...

So happy to see that Trystan is finally home! We are celebrating with you! He does look so little in his bouncy chair. It won't be long before he's too big for it.

Danny and Mandy said...

So awesome to see you all at home as a family! Thanks for sharing the great pics!

The Erickson Family said...

Cute photos! It is so neat that you are home with him. Enjoy!!!

Dan and Christine Lawson said...

WOW!!! I can't believe how small Trystan is and yet he has grown since he was born. Both you and Alex look SO happy to be home and hopefully regaining a sense of normalcy. It's so fun to see new pictures and be able to keep up with you guys in this way! Take care!

Twyla said...

Trystan looks great in his crib. I just had to show my family what you had built - all are in awe.