Merry Christmas!
Posted by Stacy at 5:42 PM 4 comments
We had a busy day full of puppy clients and kennel building, so we didn't get out to trick or treat, but we had fun anyway! Thanks to Grama Shirley and Grampa Fred for my shirt and hat. You did pretty good on the sizes, considering you bought it for me before I was even born!
Only 17 days until my birthday!
Tomorrow (November 4th) is the anniversary of a day that we will never forget. It's the day we went in for a routine ultrasound, only to find out I had to be admitted to the hospital immediately as it was evident Trystan was coming early. I think back on that day, and can still remember it as if it was yesterday. We know now it was all a part of God's perfect plan to bring Trystan into this world kicking and screaming, at only 29 weeks. I have to say that all that magnesium, those 3 painful steroid shots to help develop his lungs, numerous iv's, medications, monitors, not as many showers as I would have liked, the inactivity, and the 20+ dr's and nurses in the delivery room for Trystan's arrival was all worth it! We have so much to be thankful for.
Posted by Stacy at 7:15 PM 0 comments